Kitchen Progress
September 27, 2008

After we grouted the kitchen tile, let it cure for 48 hours, and sealed the grout, we got started on installing the cabinets. Brooke's parents came over for the day to give us a hand. We're not done yet, but I figured I'd get some pictures posted. So far all the wall cabinets are up, and three of the base cabinets are installed.

The finished tile after the grout had dried to its final color and the haze has been cleaned off the tiles.

The first three wall cabinets we hung. The microwave will be mounted under the short cabinet.

Brooke and Stevi putting the shelves and doors back on.

More wall cabinets up, and Walt and I are working on the base cabinets.

This is all the wall cabinets, and 3 of the base cabinets. The rest of the base cabinets will form a peninsula along the edge of the tile.

Another view.

And another.